Fancy is a beautiful ee-red smooth hair. She is a 7th generation Welch Dachshund. Selena & Baxter and Penny & Oliver are her grandparents.

Selena is a smooth hair black/tan that carries longhair. She is our oldest dachshund at this time and can keep up with all the younger dogs. She has a very special place in our hearts since we have had her longer than any other dachshund before. Jasmine was her mother.
born 12-10-04 died 12-27-18
Fancy is a beautiful ee-red smooth hair. She is a 7th generation Welch Dachshund. Selena & Baxter and Penny & Oliver are her grandparents.

born 10-27-99 died 1-6-15
.Selena is a smooth hair black/tan that carries longhair. She is our oldest dachshund at this time and can keep up with all the younger dogs. She has a very special place in our hearts since we have had her longer than any other dachshund before. Jasmine was her mother.

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